, an official site providing custom made fashion stuffs, is fully owned by Castamere company. We have our own factory and have devoted ourselves to this industry for ten years. In order to help customers clearly understand our data collection and use practices, Castamere has decided to have its businesses follow a standard set of privacy practices and use a standard format to describe their privacy practices. The following Consumer Privacy statement applies to all Castamere businesses.



We may collect information that can identify you ("personal information"), such as your name and email address, (i) when you (or other users) provide it to us when using our website or in some other manner, or (ii) from other Castamere businesses, from our business partners, and from other third parties. We may combine the personal information that we receive from different sources.

In order to provide better shopping service, Castamere may collect other types of information in the following ways when you visit our website:

  • Our server logs automatically collect information, such as your IP address, your browser type and language, and the date and time of your visit, which helps us track users' movements around our site and understand trends.
  • We may assign your computer one or more cookies which may collect information to facilitate access to our website and to personalize your online experience.
  • We may use standard Internet tools, such as web beacons, which collect information that tracks your use of our website and enables us to customize our services and advertisements.
  • We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. Should we ever do so, we will comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.



We may allow third-party advertising companies or ad networks to display advertisements on our websites.

  • We do not provide any personal information to these companies
  • These companies may use tracking tools, such as cookies, to collect information about computers used to view or interact with their advertisements.
  • Some of these companies may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative, which offers consumers the ability to opt out of ad targeting by all member companies.
  • If you post information about yourself or others, or communicate with others using our website, please note that we cannot control who reads your postings or what they do with the information you provide. We encourage you to use caution in posting personal information.



We may use information to:

  • Fulfill your requests for products and services;
  • Offer products and services that may be of interest to you;
  • Customize the advertising and content that you see on our website;
  • Facilitate use of our website;
  • Manage your account and your preferences;
  • Analyze use of and improve our website, products and services;
  • Identify and protect against fraudulent transactions and other misuses of our website;
  • And enforce our Terms of Use.



We will not share your personal information with others except as indicated below, or except when we inform you in advance and give you the opportunity to opt out. We may share personal information with:

  • Service providers, such as credit-card payment processors, performing services on our behalf;
  • Other Castamerebusinesses;
  • Other businesses with which we partner or which we carefully select to offer you products, services, and promotions through our website or offline; and
  • Other third parties in limited circumstances, such as complying with legal requirements, preventing fraud, and protecting the safety of our users.
  • We may share aggregated, non-personal information in any of the above situations and also with advertisers and others.



First, our company is legally registered and all business is conducted legally. We have a good reputation among our customers.

Second, we respect all kinds of intellectual property especially the copyright of pictures.

Third, if any individual thinks our behavior violate your copyright, please provide the details to us, you can email us to

When you report to us please show us the evidence that the pictures are yours including the time of photographing, photographers, the location of the pictures and the original pictures. You are responsible for the authenticity of any material you provide to us.

When we get your report of the pictures we will check them and contact you in case there is a possibility of copyright infringement, to discuss the problem in detail and solve it.

Fourth, we will delete the pictures or get your authorization to use the pictures after we check in detail, which does not mean we indeed infringed upon your copyright, but we will make the proper arrangements out of respect for your copyright.

We take this problem seriously but you should also read our terms and rules as follows:

You may not copy or distribute any pictures of our website for any defamatory or unauthorized purpose.

You agree not to use any obscene, indecent, or offensive language or to place on the service any material that is defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful.

You may not in any way make commercial or other unauthorized use, by publication, re-transmission, distribution, performance, caching, or otherwise, of pictures obtained through wholesale-dress, except as permitted by the Copyright Act. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website.

Under no circumstances will Castamere beheld liable in any way whatsoever for any Third-Party who uses our pictures to bring any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of your use.



We use cookies on our website.

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which allow us to recognise your device. They are downloaded to your device when you access our website, then sent back to us on each visit, or to another website that recognises those cookies. It will help us to provide a better experience when you’re browsing, and allow us to improve the service.

We may collect the following information:

  • your name
  • contact information including email address
  • demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
  • other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers

For the exhaustive list of cookies we collect see the list of cookies we collect section.




The association with your shopping cart.


Stores the category info on the page, that allows to display pages more quickly.


The items that you have in the Compare Products list.


Your preferred currency


An encrypted version of your customer id with the store.


An indicator if you are currently logged into the store.


An encrypted version of the customer group you belong to.


Stores the Customer Segment ID


A flag, which indicates whether caching is disabled or not.


You session ID on the server.


Allows guests to edit their orders.


The last category you visited.


The most recent product you have viewed.


Indicates whether a new message has been received.


Indicates whether it is allowed to use cache.


A link to information about your cart and viewing history if you have asked the site.


The ID of any polls you have recently voted in.


Information on what polls you have voted on.


The items that you have recently compared.


Information on products you have emailed to friends.


The store view or language you have selected.


Indicates whether a customer allowed to use cookies.


The products that you have recently viewed.


An encrypted list of products added to your Wishlist.


The number of items in your Wishlist.


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